Marco Paganucci

Marco Paganucci was born in Bogotà Colombia and grew up in Tuscany Italy. He began studying classic piano when he was 7 years old. When he was 19 moved to Bologna where he graduated at Alma Mater University in Musicolgy and at MusicSpace Italy in Musictherapy. During college years he frequented several places where it listened a lot of music: electronic, hip hop, funk, jazz music. He has released three albums with Metissound (Reggae), Insolito Groove (Funk) and Les Parapluies (Chanson Francaise). He also collaborated in the theatrical scope with Mario Perrotta in Festival dei Diari for two editions. He’s works as a musictherapist in two centers for people with disability and in a juvenile detention center. He started to play in ballet class in 2012, during these years he played with Mattia Gandini, Brigel Gjoka, Anetta Logowska, Mauro Carboni, Pierpaolo Gobbo, Stefania Figliossi.

© Francesco Pierantoni